Hello Internet Friends!
Well, it’s official, the rainy fall season has started here in Vancouver! And with the chilly winds, rain, and occasionally sunny days come all the hand knits that i’ve been quietly making over the last few months of summer/quarantine. Like a lot of other knitters I know my knitting production seemed to increase due to the extra time indoors and, at least for me, the increase in video meetings for work. I honestly find that knitting while in a meeting helps me focus more because my hands are busy meaning that my brain can focus in on what is being discussed. This is especially so for long video calls probably because I’m so used to knitting while watching TV that my brain associates videos with knitting time 😅. I’m hoping that as things very, very, VERY slowly go back to a modified pre-pandemic life I can continue to bring my knitting with me to long meetings without everyone giving me weird looks 😂.
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